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A Little Bit on the Soul of Money

I would like to express my views here so you know where I stand and can consider your own position. I believe the fees you pay are part of the exchange of energy between us.  The effort and skill, presence, time and place I offer have value which is honored by your participation and your payment. Your growth and participation feeds my purpose and expands my soul. Your payment goes back into sustaining me, my offerings to you and the rest of the community I serve and thus the cycle continues.  


Despite the fact that the monetary system is fraught with complication and injustice, each of us is a steward of our resources (time, money and presence) that we must prioritize to sustain our own lives and that of our family and community. If you are reading this, then you may be seeking ways to live and sustain your inner life.  It is my mission to support you in this effort. 


My pledge to you is to discuss and work with you to come to a fee exchange that is mutually comfortable.

I have suggested a fee range.  It may be that you need to pay less than what I have listed, it may be that you would like to pay more to support the ongoing work.  Be assured that you will be met with openness and nonjudgement either way and our work together can begin on this solid ground of mutual respect and care.





7150 SW Hampton St  

Suite 226 

Portland, Oregon 97223



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