I am a seed under the dark soil... dormant. Silent. Potent. Blind. I have felt the movement of the seasons in the darkness of my womb; the restlessness and the urgency of something within wanting release.
I am a seedling pushing toward an unknown light driven by a force so deep in my cells I could not name it. Striving to break through into a new atmosphere, I reach deeply for familiar ground.
I am the tender young shoot stretching toward the warm sun, orienting myself to its movement; hungry for its touch and the greening of my flesh. While below, I burrow deeply into the body of the earth anchoring my existence in the life-giving soil.
I am a tree sheltering others under my wide stretching branches. Weathering storms, I yield and hold. Standing sentinel year after year, widening in girth ring upon ring upon ring, I send out seed and fruit in abundance.
I am a forest, a vast and diverse community enduring through change; birth and death my borders. Adapting and renewing myself, again and again, I create the atmosphere and the soil through which life flows and has its expression.
I am ancient. I am mystery. I am timeless. I am infinite.
I am being.